Monday, June 04, 2012

Memo To Big Eddie And Rachel: Can You PLEASE Call David Gregory On The Carpet?!

RHETORICAL QUESTION. OF COURSE IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. He's on your team of GOP media collaborators as host of the RIGHT WING Sunday program Meet The Press (is that a booking requirement: Accept LIES from Republican guests, unconditionally and unchallenged?!), along with POLITICO, the Idiot Punditocracy, and most of the Beltway Media. In an ideal world, Rachel or Big Eddie would rerun a Gregory MTP interview with, say, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, pause the interview with a KA-CHING sound effect every time Kasich says a lie, issue the factual correction, then at the end tally up all the Republican LIES David Gregory allowed to go unchallenged.

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