Thursday, April 05, 2012

Alex Wags's Wingnut BFF, Hogan Gidley, Invokes Incisive "Dimples" Witticism

FOR ME, THIS STRANGE but very simpatico dude is the most compelling reason to keep Rick Santorum buoyed in this race. I mean, Hogan looks like someone rubbed a raw egg on his head, or maybe it was Crisco, and those hand-me-down retro clothes (maybe they just don't match), man, you know they're enough to make the Steelenator cringe ... Hogan would be a perfect character to cast in Depression Era movies, just as he is, back when hair styling for men was Brylcreem, all the way to Civil War movies, were authentic "period look" at a premium. Hogan is an original. And when her adoptive boy friend forever is on with Alex, the sparks fly. Watch them flirt. "Dimples, don't fool me, Alex, I'm waitin' for the attack"... ?! My Lord, Hogan:

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