Thursday, April 26, 2012


IN THE MOST EXPLOSIVE 'tease' of her tenure as MSNBC's HOTTEST 'Hostess With The Mostest!' Alex Wags mercilessly tittilated her loyal viewers with the hard break announcement that notorious Dem strategist Hillary Rosen, bane of stay-at-home moms around the world, would be joining her in the next segment. It even got a rise out of the King of Sunday Morning Talk With Whitebread Republican Males, David Gregory.

And then ... NADA. But THE THINKER has obtained an exclusive visual of the scrubbed segment. It seems Ms Rosen objected to the gag order imposed on her by NOW producers, in which her answers were restricted to nods and shakes of the head:

P.S. — We sincerely hope Hillary Rosen's non-appearance, lampooned above, wasn't due to anything serious, such as a sudden illness. This is all just for fun.

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