Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dumb Ass Hall of Fame -- Adam Polzin Wing

My last three rather pointed letters to the editor of the Chicago Tribune haven't made the cut, but Adam Polzin of Bloomingdale, Illinois got the editor's attention:


Now that Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to hang, I wonder when the ACLU is going to file a lawsuit to bar enforcement of the execution. After all the group never let the "A" in its title, which stands for "American," stop it from helping other non-deserving non-citizens. Also perhaps the Southern Poverty Law Center will label the Iraqi High Tribunal a "hate group" for singling out despot pariahs.

Let's start with a few facts: Saddam Hussein is neither a United States citizen nor a resident alien. Saddam Hussein was tried under Iraqi authority and Iraqi laws. Both the American Civil Liberties Union and the Southern Poverty Law Center are devoted to defending the rights of all persons who are subject to the constitution of the United States.

Hey Adam, as you

you might want to take this document with you and try reading it for meaning.


drmagoo said...

If Adam had any sense, he'd know it was Amnesty International who would be against hanging Saddam, not the ACLU. Personally, I think they should wait and do a triple feature with Bush and Cheney as well.

Anonymous said...

Adam falls into that same ol' group that operates in the "if you tell me something several times it must be fact" mode. Just one of the cool-aid drinkers amongst us.