Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The liberal media strikes again

From CNN.com, in an article about Dennis "I would never ever do anything to hurt or endanger...my job" Hastert and the Washington Times' call for him to resign as Speaker of the House:

The Times editorial could be a signal that conservative Republicans are growing tired of the moderate Hastert.

At one time, sure. But since he's become speaker, ol' Rubber Stamp Denny can't be called moderate by anyone with a functioning brain. Of course, this is CNN we're talking about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not quite only CNN, they just reported it. The call for his head on a platter came from Wash. Times Editor Tony Blankley, who served as press secretary for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. This is the "Liberal Media" that's biased against the wonderfully faultless Republicans.

Blankley speaking out against Hastert is a serious statement. He covered the ass of Mr. "Contract with America" when his family values included divorcing his cancer stricken wife to married a subordinate that he had been having an affair with.

I guess you have to drawn the line somewhere. At least their family values stop just short of diddling little boys.