Monday, October 30, 2006

Go! Fight! Win..?

Over the weekend, the re-animated corpse of Elizabeth Dole surfaced (Alex, may I have `bad plastic surgery' for $1000?) She reminded us how the GOP is committed to "winning" in Iraq while we want to "lose." I was screaming at the (as she said) tee-vee for the talking head to ask her what "winning" meant, but no such luck.

We have often ruminated on this notion of "victory." The "victory" options:

1) The Project for the New American Century wet dream, a U.S. and Israel-friendly stooge government. Not a chance. Don't even bothering wondering if the horse left the barn, that barn never existed.

2) A secular parliamentary government with all factions willingly and peacefully participating. No. The parliamentary structure is an illegitimate joke and the Sunnis will NEVER participate.

3) An authoritarian yet stable Shia regime. Note how George seemed to move those old goalposts, suggesting that you could fill in the blank with "stability" rather than "democracy." So George would have won a "victory" by establishing a strong-armed Shia regime allied with Iran. "George Bush" must be the English rendering of "Pyrrhus."

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