Sunday, August 20, 2006

If polls are to be believed--

then 129 million morons live in this country.

Has the war in Iraq been worth the loss of American lives?

Yes 38%
No 56%
Not sure 6%

Source: Zogby International
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,018 likely American voters, conducted from Aug. 11 to Aug. 15, 2006. Margin of error is 3.2 per cent.

Well, perhaps not 129 million, as not everyone who feels that way is a moron. I'm sure there are some very intelligent individuals who quite rationally think that the death and destruction is quite worth it--from the standpoint of their own financial gain and political power. Soulless ghouls?--Yes.

Morons--no. But leaving the self-promoting politicians, defense contractors and other profiteers out of the equation, how can anyone believe that this unmitigated disaster is worth this butcher's bill? How can anyone be "not sure?"

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