Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Green Party continues to be a puppet of the GOP

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Thanks to the generosity of GOP donors, a Green Party candidate is expected to make it onto the ballot in Pennsylvania's Senate race and siphon votes from Democratic front-runner Bob Casey in his bid to unseat Republican Sen. Rick Santorum.
Green Party candidate Carl Romanelli, making his first bid for statewide elective office, acknowledged Monday that Republican contributors probably supplied most of the $100,000 that he said he spent gathering signatures to qualify for the Nov. 7 ballot.
"I have friends in all political parties. It's just that my Republican friends are more confident about standing with me than my Democratic friends. And as a group, my Republican friends are a little better off," he said in a telephone interview.

So, what's the lesson in all this? Green Party candidates are solely driven by ego, and are dumb as a box of people who still support W. You're taking money from Republicans and votes from Democrats. You're not going to win, Mr. Romanelli. Hope that GOP hand shoved up your backside feels good.

1 comment:

schmidlap said...


The only ones dumber and more selfish than the guy running are the 'tards who will actually go out and vote for him. I wonder who will read the ballots for them to show them where to put the X.

If they can't do the simple math that a vote for their candidate--however "prinicipled" their patchouli-soaked reptile brains perceive it to be--is a vote for Santorum and all the evil he embodies, they deserve him and all the shit he and his followers will rain down on them.

My one hope is that when the Christofascist Peoples Army storms out of the megachurches and marches us into death camps, they march these dirty-footed idiot children in ahead of me so I can at least watch them suffer and die a few minutes before I do.