Monday, June 19, 2006

Someone help me here

One thing I've never understood is on what grounds our country (or others, for that matter) say to other countries, like, say, North Korea - "We can have all the ICBM's that we want, but you can't have any." I know Kim Jong Il is nuttier than a bucket of nuts, but as a sovereign nation (which, again, sovereignty means being sovereign), don't they get to decide if they want the same military capabilities that we have? Who are we, their dad?

1 comment:

Mike Norton said...

Moreover, how absurd is the message that the only country to use nuclear weapons in a war is the one taking the lead on limiting who else has them?

I believe the party line response is to huff in disgust and waive the argument as an absurd attempt at "moral equivalency", which really seems to be another way of saying "we're God's country." After all, it isn't as if we can claim some special respect for civilians and for civil rights, especially not over the past several years.

Any sane, non-buclear nation of moderate or better size should be in a mad, but covert scramble to get their own nukes. Once they have them it's far, far less likely that they're going to be invaded.