Monday, March 06, 2006

Sometimes it is just too easy

I don't even need to comment on this one. Good God, I am amazed some people can feed themselves.

Respect Bush

I am appalled at the negative coverage our president has received. The media should report and remind people about homeland security and his efforts to keep us safe from terrorism.

I believe that people forget their history from previous wars, or they did not pay attention in school to understand the need for preventive measures to keep us free and safe.

Also the president should receive credit for the positive things he has done and continues to do. Instead there is this need to find imperfections in this "Jerry Springer" society.

President Bush and his family portray good moral character for our country, something that is desperately lacking. We need to move in another direction for the future generation, not glamorize immoral character like that of our previous president.

Bush should receive that same respect, as our leader.

Carolyn Jarackas
Harwood Heights


From the other side of town said...

Curious, and yet typical. An opinion from a person who doesn't vote. Patriotism is good for you but not for me. "Good morality" is lies and deceptions about war where thousands of lives are lost. "Bad morality" is lies and deceptions about a BJ, where thousands of semen are lost.

Anonymous said...

Raise your hand if you've got an autographed 8X10 of Sean Hannity hanging next to your hubby's gunrack.

drmagoo said...

I can't help but wonder if it's that good moral character that has made more than half the country stop trusting him.

Anonymous said...

It's a free(ish) country. She's entitled to her delusions.

Peter said...

Oh, she is free to spout her foolishness-and we are free to mock her.

Anonymous said...

Liberals know nothing. You all are the delusioned ones who love filth and sin and think nothing of a safe, free world for your own children. Thank God there are those who do.

drmagoo said...

Well, that cleared me right up. Do you know where I can go to join up with the righteous cause, or do I need to shower the filth off first?

Peter said...

I LOVE filth and sin and I hate those damn children!

OK--the comment that prompted this is either a joke from one of our friends or proof positive that we live in Retard America.