Thursday, February 02, 2006

More images of W's respect for life


Anonymous said...

There is no simple way for any federal bureaucracy, no matter how well funded, no matter how well organized, to alleviate the various problems caused by the complete removal of modern civil society from some portion of America.

Evacuation of threatened areas is the best way to protect lives, but that does not require billions in pork barrel spending. Hence congressional fascination with finding fault with how federal assets are deployed post-disaster.

Anonymous said...

W is severely compromised when it comes to the respect of life. From the signing ceremony for the partial-birth abortion ban bill (via wash. post):

***"This right to life cannot be granted or denied by government, because it does not come from government -- it comes from the creator of life," the president said, receiving another lengthy standing ovation.***

Query - How does this belief square with a pro-death penalty stance? Is that not the government denying the right to life?

from :

As of August 2003, Texas has conducted over 1/3 of the 872 executions in the United States. Texas is also the leading state in terms of sentencing juvenile offenders to death and executing them. Only one commutation of a death sentence for humanitarian reasons has been granted since the death penalty was reinstated.