Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Baghdad Bob, or your old Uncle Morty?

I really am trying to figure the president out. He keeps giving us things like
"Iraq, though, does have a thriving free press, with hundreds of independent newspapers and magazines and talk radio shows where Iraqis openly debate the future course of their country. In spite of the difficulties, Iraq does have a emerging free market with an independent central bank, and thousands of small businesses operating across the country. Iraq is building an independent judiciary that is replacing the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law. .....And we're helping Iraqis build a strong democracy so old resentments will be eased and the insurgency marginalized. On the economic side, we're continuing reconstruction efforts and helping Iraqis build a modern economy so all Iraqi citizens can experience the benefits of freedom."

Does this man even read a newspaper? Watch the 10/11 o'clock news? Has he heard that talk radio `or newspaper publication is difficult when you have....no electricity? How does that "central bank" work without power, other than in the green zone with all of the graft money?

He talks about building a "strong democracy" when even George Will says there is no government. He says that "free elections" are a first step while an introductory political science class would tell you that elections EMERGE from self-government, they don't begin it.

And has he read his own budget that cuts off the "reconstruction" money?

Focus for a second not on the "administration," but on the man--a not very bright, coasted through every scrape "man" and just ask what is he thinking?

Is he a shameless liar? Is he Baghdad Bob, willing to say anything to promote the cause? Or is he your old Uncle Morty, who keeps telling the same stories over and over and for a while you politely listen?

He is the most pathetic president ever.


Anonymous said...

Hillary in 2008

Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard? Hillary's too angry to be president.