Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Starry starry night....

My Chicago friends know this is one of my pet peeves, but as we approach the holidays, you may well hear a pitch to "name a star" for someone. Give the gift that will last forever!

Well, go ahead, but as a public service, let me tell you--you've been had.

Now in all fairness, the "International Star Registry" is probably not doing anything unlawful. Anyone can call a star anything they want, and if you want to pay $50 for a certificate, have at it.

They say they record the star name in "book form" and record it in the "Copyright Office." Whoop-de-friggin-doo. I can sit on the copy machine and "record" that lovely image in the copyright office if I want to pay the fee.

Only the International Astronomical Union can name a star officially, so remember, if you pony up for this, you're basically giving $50 to a guy in his basement with a graphics program and a printer.

(p.s., we here at The Thinker will name a star for you for only $20!!!)

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