Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bill O'Reilly's Enemies List

So one of the loudest loudmouths in Loudmouthania, Bill O'Reilly said the other day that he'd be fine with terrorists blowing up San Francisco, because the voters there don't support the illegal and immoral war we're caught up in. He then said that he'd put blogs, etc, who oppose him must support the terrorists, and now he's going to create a McCarthy-esque enemies list:

"I’m glad the smear sites made a big deal out of it. Now we can all know who was with the anti-military internet crowd. We’ll post the names of all who support the smear merchants on billoreilly.com. So check with us."

Bill, go ahead and add this blog to your list, you ignorant anti-American prick.

I'm taking the liberty of emailing the twit at oreilly@foxnews.com and letting him know. Hey - we can always use the publicity!

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