Monday, October 03, 2005

While I was gone.......

I spent the last two days howling in pain and hugging Mr. Porcelain after some of the FDA's under-inspected meats gave me one hellacious case of food poisoning. My incapacitation gave me the opportunity to do something I rarely do. I watched the Sunday-morning talking heads.

I was watching Tim Russert when he gives us this gem, "The president has said, and everyone seems to agree, our only exit strategy is when the Iraqi troops stand up, Americans stand down."

Everyone, Tim? Everyone? I don't have to look too far to find some who doesn't "seem to agree." And I wanted to scream when he wouldn't ask Gen. John Abizaid, commander of Iraqi operations, about how this ill-trained group of people with questionable loyalties to the new "government" can do something that the United States Army has been unable to do.

Then NBC went to break, and I kid you not, here are the three commericals that aired:

and finally, of course

I guess you get what you pay for!


Anonymous said...

What the F%@# is going on with the media? Maybe Russert has been brainwashed by watching too many Diane Sawyer interviews. By the by, I was just wondering, I mean, uh, in light of all the negative things publicly happening to key Republicans.....does the Democratic party have anyone making public statements or doing interviews to remind the public just how crooked they all are? Where's the outrage?!!

Peter said...

Bradley, I'm afraid that I still belong to no organized political party, as Will Rogers said so long ago--I'm a Democrat, and so far, we don't seem ready to take it to them. My hope is that the American people at least find drowned babies in New Orleans easier to grasp than Shi'as and Sunnis and religious civil war in Iraq.