Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I Don't Think So!!!!

I received a wonderful solicitation from the former "newspaper of record" (I think they changed the legend on the masthead to "All the news that Judy makes up, we print!") to get a free trial to "Times Select" and then PAY to hear the wit and wisdom of the newspaper that gave us Whitewater and a whole lot of war support. Where do I sign up?

Now I like reading Paul Krugman, Bob Herbert and yes, on occasion, even Maureen Dowd (if you want to pay to read Tom Friedman or David Brooks, I can't help you). Why ANYONE now would want to jump into New York Times payola with their recent performance is beyond me, though. All we have to do is look at Executive Editor Bill Keller (who got the job after the Jayson Blair fiasco, another feather in, or goose dropping on, the Times' cap), who said that in the late summer of 2003 he took Judy off of Iraq matters but "she kept kind of drifting on her own back into the national security realm."

Nice editorial control there, Bill. Drifting? Reporters shouldn't be drifting, should they, Bill? And even if they are drifting down the lazy river, in this case the Euphrates, where does it say you have to print anything they drifted into?

Thanks, but no thanks, former gray lady, I'll keep my $50. I think we all know what kind of lady you have become.

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