Wednesday, October 12, 2005

GOP dealmaking

He gives us another Scalia, We keep pretending that smirking alcoholic C-student chimpanzee cheerleader is Winston Freakin' Churchill. That was the deal.


ZuZu's Petals said...

Pete, our old friend Riting hit the nail on the head:

It really, really bothers me that since conservative Republicans have voiced opposition to Harriet Meiers, the Democrats have gone oddly siletnt, and even sickeningly aquiescent. These same Democrats who took John Roberts to task for not commenting on specific cases think this latest Bush crony is "thoughtful and competent."


Can the Democrats really be this stupid? How can they not see that Dobson, Robertson, Kristol and all the other Dubaya ass smoochers that are now magically breaking ranks with the president they think shits gold cufflinks are playing rope-a-dope? What makes the Democrats think for one fleeting moment that this woman won't do EXACTLY as she is told to do by Karl Rove LONG after that corrupt fuck is out of the White House? And how stupid are we to buy Bush's line that he did an "exhaustive search" for a replacement for O'Connor? He searched every square inch within 15 feet of his desk, and chose the one candidate he knew for certain would do the bidding of the tightass crony gang that can't shoot straight.

Americans should be outraged by this president's blatant dereliction of Constitutional duty. Harriet Meiers isn't even the millionth best candidate for a Supreme Court seat. In other words, as astute as they were to nominate Roberts, that's how cynical, corrupt and just plain asinie they are to appoint Meiers. I only hope and pray the Democrats in the Senate grow a fucking spine, and fast. Send this crony back to the Oval Office woodwork where she belongs.

I know that Roe v Wade is dead. The only consolation I have is the "I toldya so's" I get to cram down every idiot Bush voter who looked at me like I had three heads and proclaimed, "Don't be ridiculous!! A woman's right to choose will never be overturned. NEVER!!" And when I tell them that were it not for swing voter SD O'Connor, it would have been overturned a decade ago, they just laugh at me....again like I have three heads.

Well this crony who worships the piss and vomitus soaked ground Dumbya walks on will indeed do any goddamed thing he asks her to do. Always has, always will.

Anonymous said...

You're right on the money...I've been asking my Dem friends for a year now "Where the hell is Howard Dean? Where's the press conference by Dem leaders and the follow-up tv appearances, every time these assholes show the extent of their retardation?" You'd think that they'd have learned a little something by now from watching Rove about the importance of publicity.