Monday, September 26, 2005

Another one from President Crony

In case you missed it:

The woman above (next to the gesturing idiot) is Karen Hughes. She was Bush's political nursemaid in Texas, spokesperson, hatchet person, purger of National Guard and DMV records, but now, with all that international and diplomatic experience, her business card now says

Undersecretary of State

God help us.


drmagoo said...

Geez, and there aren't even any good jokes about her being under the secretary of state, because, umm, shudder.

She'll always just be the Mouthpiece of Sauron to me, but I'm a geek.

Anonymous said...

I really hate what our country has become with the likes of W. and his cabal of evil-doers. With the indictment of DeLay - I hope there are more hogs being led to the slaughter.