Monday, August 22, 2005

Worst presidential blunder?

Bartcop was wondering whether Dick and Chimpy's Excellent Adventure represents a worst presidential blunder than LBJ's Viet Nam buildup. I responded as follows:

It is apparent that Johnson's decision to escalate the war in Viet Nam was a colossal blunder, a mistake that we paid dearly for in lives and treasure. However, one key difference was that Johnson's folly was played out in the very tightly drawn paradigm of the Cold War. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were content to play out their proxy wars across the globe, with none of them really altering the fundamental political structure of the balance of power.

Obviously, that is not true today. While (for the time being) we have squandered fewer American lives, I would assert that the damage to the U.S. internationally has been far worse than Viet Nam. We have alienated allies and radicalized populations that are far more threatening than in the 1960s. Oh, and don't worry, if Bush has his way, we will soon be catching up in terms of both body bags (oh, I'm sorry--"transport tubes") and empty coffers.

Just think, when Clinton was president, coffers were full and coffins were empty...

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