Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A personal message to Bill McCabe of Arlington Heights, Illinois

Dear Bill McCabe:

I don't know you but I have a suggestion for you.

Turn off Limbaugh, switch the channel from Fox News and go outside!!!! Take a look around.

In a letter to the editor published in today's Chicago Tribune, Bill writes:

We need to do what is right as a benevolent member of the international community by helping the Iraqi people and start to worry less about what France and Iran think of our efforts overseas.

Hmmm, let's see..
a benevolent member of the international community and helping the Iraqi people...

Right, when I think of "benevolence" and "help" I immediately think of bombing and conquest! I think of destroying the infrastructure, blowing up the electrical grid and the water distribution system, and bombing hospitals, neighborhoods and schools.

We have benevolently helped at least 25,000 of the Iraqi people and perhaps as many as 150,000 or more by benevolently and helpfully killing them!

Have a nice day, Bill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't hit the message, hit the messenger who shows up looking to deliver this type of message. The messenger (media) is now trying to move away from mutely supporting this act of aggression (the US declared war against an entity that couldn't resist) to the sphere of saying that since the public didn't object (or opposition was silenced)the messenger was willing to carry a message but none was found.

Bill obviously doesn't have any relatives fighting in this, so he can continue to believe that those who die are fighting for freedoms he cherishes (gun barrel democracy resulting in cheap oil and war industry stock profits).